Find Your Next Step
We want to be a people continually growing in our walk with God. Whether you’re new to Bethany or a regular attender, we want to help you take your next step in your walk with the Lord.
Start With Jesus
God is both our sovereign Creator and our righteous Judge. Therefore, we are doubly accountable to Him for all our behavior — word, thought, and deed. (Neh. 9:6, Ps. 98:9)
Man was created by God, in God’s image, to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, but man sinned against God by disobeying His holy law. Man, therefore, separated himself from God’s holy and satisfying presence and incurred His wrathful displeasure. (Gen. 1:27, Rom. 3:23, Rom. 1:18)
Jesus Christ’s death is the substitute payment for the penalty that we deserve for our sin. His death is God’s only provision for the forgiveness of man’s sin and the appeasement of God’s wrath against him. (Isa. 53:6, John 3:36, Acts 4:12) Jesus Christ’s physical resurrection from the dead conquered death and sin. It provides hope for a future resurrection of all believers. Belief in the resurrection is an essential doctrine of Christianity. (1 Cor. 15)
Be Baptized
Baptism declares to the world you’ve trusted Jesus, joined God’s family, and made a commitment to follow Jesus, heart and soul. It’s pretty special!
If you have never been baptized after salvation, baptism is your first step!
Become A Member
Membership within a local church is an important step in the life of a believer because the church is the primary source of Bible teaching, worship, discipleship, accountability, and fellowship. Covenant membership at Bethany is open to anyone who is over the age of 16 and has been baptized by immersion. We also want to make sure you understand what our church believes so you’ll have to take our church membership class and go through an informal interview with 2 or 3 of our church leaders.
Join a Group
We have many different opportunities for kids to adults to get connected. Life Groups, AWANA, Primetimers’, and Bible Studies are just a few!
There are many ways to serve here at Bethany. Childcare, Praise Team, Choir, A/V Team, Greeters, Creative Arts, and much more!