Transform Your Life
Salvation is a gift made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus, who atoned the sins for humanity, allowing for His followers to reconcile with God. If you haven't placed your faith in Jesus Christ, salvation is your first step.

God is both our sovereign Creator and our righteous Judge. Therefore, we are doubly accountable to Him for all our behavior — word, thought, and deed.
(Nehemiah 9:6, Psalm 98:9)

Man was created by God, in God’s image, to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, but man sinned against God by disobeying His holy law. Man, therefore, separated himself from God’s holy and satisfying presence and incurred His wrathful displeasure.
(Genesis 1:27, Romans 3:23, Romans 1:18)

Jesus Christ’s death is the substitute payment for the penalty that we deserve for our sin. His death is God’s only provision for the forgiveness of man’s sin and the appeasement of God’s wrath against him. Jesus Christ’s physical resurrection from the dead conquered death and sin. It provides hope for a future resurrection of all believers. Belief in the resurrection is an essential doctrine of Christianity.
(1 Cor. 15, Isaiah 53:6, John 3:36, Acts 4:12)

We are called to respond to this good news in repentance and belief, turning away from our sin and self-sufficiency toward God, and trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ as the substitute penalty that we deserved for our sin.
(Mark 1:15, Romans 10:9-10)
Salvation is God’s free gift to all of mankind. In short, we have all sinned and because of the things we’ve all done, we are separated from a perfectly Holy God. In His great mercy and love for us, God sent His son, Jesus, fully God and fully man, to die a sacrificial death on a cross for the sins of the world having lived a perfect life. Jesus rose from the grave proving that He was truly God. We now can have forgiveness and eternal life simply by turning from our sin and believing in Jesus Christ.
We would love to talk with you. Everyone is at a different point in their faith journey, but the great part is that God truly wants to have a relationship with you! Contact our pastor or any one of our church Elders if you would like to talk.
Of course! BBC is a non-denominational church. What is most important about any church body is not the denomination, the style of music, or programs they offer, but their faithfulness to unashamedly and unapologetically preaching the entire Word of God- something we strive to do at BBC.
We are told in the Bible that we should gather together to worship God and build one another up in our faith! There are aspects of biblical community that simply cannot be achieved outside of having fellowship with other people, in person.
John 3:16
New to the Faith?
Take the next step and speak with a pastor or be baptized at an upcoming service